Jan Hus, religious reformer, statue at Terezin, Theresienstadt transit camp, CZ

Here is Jan Hus, a religious statue in an unlikely place: Terezin, or Theresienstadt -- the Nazi-created ghetto / concentration camp-that was staged for purposes of Red Cross inspections as an ideal settlement place for Jews. In reality, it was a holding pen, a way station to Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Jan Hus: his more famous statue is in Prague Square, see https:://www.prague.cz/jan-hus-monument,  Jan Hus: Why here? Unanswered. Is it the theme of martyrdom, persecution? See photos of Terezin at http://www.scrapbookpages.com/CzechRepublic/Theresienstadt/TheresienstadtGhetto/GhettoTour/Tour02.html

Jan Hus: Any who challenged the driven compulsory church teaching was a heretic. Hus was burned.

2013 update:  A death camp masguerade: That was Terezin, CZ in WWII, the description included in a review in 2013 as to the play, "Way to Heaven," that showed the process of deception of the Red Cross about its function, see https://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/theatre/death-camp-masquerade-the-very-model-of-propaganda-20120614-20ct0.html.

Juan Mayorga had devised a play, to depict life at Terezin detention camp, Theresienstadt, CZ, in WWII.

Meet Alice Herz-Sommer, who lived to 107 and was still a musician: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheLadyInNumberSix    She was among the survivors of Terezin, Theresienstadt camp in the Czech Republic. She died on February 23, 2014, in London.

Holocaust. A Family Accounting of another's Family.

Take time for them.

Auschwitz.  So many from Terezin, Theresienstadt, ended here.  

Crematory, Auschwitz PL

Genocide is individualized; not a mere matter of "group."  Terezin (Theresienstadt) examplifies a step in the process, the sorting and transit, the deaths.  Follow this European branch of one Czech Family. All perished in the Holocaust, except one: The Survivor.  Information here:



Terezin - a/k/a Theresienstadt.

A Ghetto, A Concentration Camp

A Place of Death, Deceit, and Music?


Sometimes it takes an obituary to fill in history not told elsewhere. And about a neighbor. And opera and symphonic works in a concentration camp.


Josa Karas.

Here, we learn from the New York Times in 2008 (October 7, we think) that one Josa Karas died.


He was born in 1926 in Warsaw, and apparently lived in Czechoslovakia.

Prague as Crucible for the Arts

Victorian, Edwardian Prague and Rainer Maria Rilke

Rainer Maria Rilke was born in Prague in 1875, a poet whose parents' conflicts and choices for his education not his choice, put his poet-mind, into court-achievement-status settings, and the military.

Prague: Why Not Intervene to Claim Kafka's Papers.

Fetch! It Is Getting Late!

Whose property now?  Who owns Kafka.  Update October 15, 2012.   "Woman must relinquish Kafka papers, judge says."  NYT at A9,   https://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/15/world/middleeast/woman-must-relinquish-kafka-papers-judge-says.html  See also http://www.post-gazette.com/stories/news/world/woman-must-relinquish-kafka-papers-judge-says-657669

1.  October 15, 2012.

Two Families, the Reich, and a Brewery

A History and a Confiscation

Pilsner Urquell

Plzensky Prazdroj

The Historic Pilsen Brewery

Property Confiscation, Unjust Enrichment - Economic Symbols of the Shoah

Pilsner Urquell coaster. Happy face:  Strelow.  Sad face:  Guggenheim. The Brewery was confiscated from Guggenheim  by the Third Reich and annexed to the Strelow business.

Brewery History and Ownership. Issue summary:


Update January 2012:  At first Budvar, Budweiser (CZ) won against others who would use its name.  Now, it seems to have lost.
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